South Pole of the Moon

Let’s talk by Aust Kyzor
February 27, 2011, 12:53 am
Filed under: Articles, News, The Pogotribe Update

Alright PogoTribe – I’ve had the chance to actually think this through without the influence of painkillers.

Aust has some things to say.

Now, as is generally accepted, the Moon has died, risen, and is now lurching around very zombie-like. Christine O’Donnell has infiltrated our ranks, and is disguising herself as one of us. The Old Spice Guy is, well, he’s just there.

Dan Brown (not the author) started the forum as a part of Dan 3.0 – and as a group of people – like the Nerdfighters, but without the Vlog Brothers – doing projects to decrease worldsuck. A noble cause, sure, but at the same time, it seems, to me anyways, to be a Ning wannabe.

Dan has abandoned us – he may come back at the end of D3P0, but as it stands, he’s not a part of us anymore.
And he’s taken most of the forum with him.

All that’s left is us: The PogoTribe – the people who joined, for the most part, thanks to Dan’s influence – but who remained in the wake of the exodus of people leaving.

Just a quick roll-call – the people who I know are active, and hanging around all over the place:

  • Aust (obviously)
  • Alex (sorry!)
  • Rob
  • Eirn
  • Zang
  • Imposter Rob (newschooled)
  • Jean
  • Jackson
  • Swim
  • Flappy
  • Ryan
  • Imposter Ryan (aka ryan – change your display name and avatar man)
  • Sara
  • Nancy
  • Freddy

and MAYBE Lex, James, and Bombmaniac

But there it is – the 14 of us are the most active members, it’s less a forum, and more a club. A very awesome club, but a club none-the-less. This isn’t to say that we aren’t the only actives – but we’re the ones that are in every section, contributing to pretty much every discussion.

We are The PogoTribe – and we are not a group comprised of Dan Brown’s fans and viewers. We are our own.

So, here’s my question – do we Keep Strong and Carry On waiting for Dan? Or do we take the Moon, and make it our own, and give up on Dan?

And if we make it our own, how do we go about it?

Either way – I say, as I have before, and will continue to say until it happens.

Lynch the Dan 3.0 section!

A Letter to the Moon by Brennan McCracken
December 31, 2010, 3:00 am
Filed under: Articles | Tags: , , , , ,

Dear Moon,

Moon, I am sorry. I’m sorry I haven’t been around very much lately. But I have my reasons. You know what the holidays are like, right? They’re spent doing things with your family and cherishing the ones you love. Eating and laughing and telling stories and just having an all-around good time. Yes Moon, I do love you too. And I do cherish you. Sometimes. However, I just haven’t been able to find much time to devote to you. For that, I am truly sorry. I’ll make it up to you. My project is on track to bring us many new PogoTribians. You like new people, right? I’m sure you do. You’re so good at welcoming them. Moon, you won’t be disappointed.

And the blog. I have been sort of slacking off around here too. Moon, have you ever written for a blog? Maybe you have. If so, you probably already know how hard it is to find inspiration. I’ve been puttering around for the past two weeks, straining to think of an interesting topic. Now, when I finally decide to sit down and write, all I can write about is how I have nothing to write about. How lame is that? I tried, Moon, I really tried. I browsed hundreds of blogs and read several books, searching the text for thoughtful sentences and insightful prose. Yet, here I am, still lacking inspiration. Sort of.

At least I am writing you this letter. That counts for something, right? It’s got to. Some may view this letter as a piece of rubbish. (I love how British that word sounds.) However, I don’t think it is. If someone told me one year ago that I’d be writing a letter to a website, I’d call them crazy. If someone told me today that I’d be writing a letter to a website, I’d still call them crazy. Because, Moon, you are so much more than a website. You’re a entire community filled with fascinating and inspiring individuals. You’re a creative outlet. You’re an escape from reality, a place where you can be whoever you want to be.

Looking back on the past year, We’ve both changed. For better or for worse, we’ve changed. While I may not have made a huge impact on you’re existence, Moon, you’ve made such an impact on mine. The ways in which you’ve affected me are too numerous to list, however, I can safely say that you’ve changed me for the better. Evolving over the past year, neither of us knew which pathways we would take or where they would lead us. Where we re now is completely different from where we were a year ago, or where we thought we’d be. We’ve had our ups and our downs, and we’ve grown as a result of both. Moon, this past year has been the best year of my life, partly in thanks to you. I hope that you can say the same.

So, as 2010 winds to a end, we are left with an unbelievable opportunity. We can look back and reflect on the past 365 days.  We can remember all of the things we’ve accomplished, all the places we’ve been. We can comment on our growth.  And we can look into the future, anxiously awaiting what is to come. Moon, I hope that this time next year I will be able to write to you again, remembering all of the good things that we’ve done in the year to come. Moon, here’s to a great 2010 and an even greater 2011.



Forum? What forum? by fortytwotrees
December 11, 2009, 8:00 pm
Filed under: Articles

South Pole of the Moon has been created and published. What is this, you ask? Well, it’s the official forum for all Pogo-Tribe members! There, members can discuss ideas, values, or anything else under the moon (literally and figuratively!)

Thus far the forum members have had two main tasks concerning the promotion of our tribe.

  1. Discuss our values as a tribe so that we may, as a group, decide upon a set collection of said values that represent what the Pogo-Tribe stands for.
  2. Come up with creative and awesome ideas for charities and projects that can change the world, our community, or even make ONE person have a good day.

Our members have worked hard and are fulfilling these objectives marvelously. Along with these tasks, we are working on uniting as a whole. Through various messaging programs and threads on the forum, members of the Pogo-Tribe are learning and laughing together, growing closer in the process.

The South Pole of the Moon forum is a watering hole for innovative minds. Visit and join the intellectually  hydrated.

Article by Cortney