South Pole of the Moon

Walrus Noise Help?
January 3, 2011, 3:44 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hello Moon!

I have recently started a blog/website called Walrus Noise. It’ll be a collection of art, articles, essays and short fiction with an emphasis on good writing. I know that we’re a creative bunch, so I know some of you have original work that’s just dying to be shared. If you’d like to submit something, send it to . More information can be found on the Walrus Noise Blog and in the (kind of) official thread.

Thanks! 🙂


A Letter to the Moon
December 31, 2010, 3:00 am
Filed under: Articles | Tags: , , , , ,

Dear Moon,

Moon, I am sorry. I’m sorry I haven’t been around very much lately. But I have my reasons. You know what the holidays are like, right? They’re spent doing things with your family and cherishing the ones you love. Eating and laughing and telling stories and just having an all-around good time. Yes Moon, I do love you too. And I do cherish you. Sometimes. However, I just haven’t been able to find much time to devote to you. For that, I am truly sorry. I’ll make it up to you. My project is on track to bring us many new PogoTribians. You like new people, right? I’m sure you do. You’re so good at welcoming them. Moon, you won’t be disappointed.

And the blog. I have been sort of slacking off around here too. Moon, have you ever written for a blog? Maybe you have. If so, you probably already know how hard it is to find inspiration. I’ve been puttering around for the past two weeks, straining to think of an interesting topic. Now, when I finally decide to sit down and write, all I can write about is how I have nothing to write about. How lame is that? I tried, Moon, I really tried. I browsed hundreds of blogs and read several books, searching the text for thoughtful sentences and insightful prose. Yet, here I am, still lacking inspiration. Sort of.

At least I am writing you this letter. That counts for something, right? It’s got to. Some may view this letter as a piece of rubbish. (I love how British that word sounds.) However, I don’t think it is. If someone told me one year ago that I’d be writing a letter to a website, I’d call them crazy. If someone told me today that I’d be writing a letter to a website, I’d still call them crazy. Because, Moon, you are so much more than a website. You’re a entire community filled with fascinating and inspiring individuals. You’re a creative outlet. You’re an escape from reality, a place where you can be whoever you want to be.

Looking back on the past year, We’ve both changed. For better or for worse, we’ve changed. While I may not have made a huge impact on you’re existence, Moon, you’ve made such an impact on mine. The ways in which you’ve affected me are too numerous to list, however, I can safely say that you’ve changed me for the better. Evolving over the past year, neither of us knew which pathways we would take or where they would lead us. Where we re now is completely different from where we were a year ago, or where we thought we’d be. We’ve had our ups and our downs, and we’ve grown as a result of both. Moon, this past year has been the best year of my life, partly in thanks to you. I hope that you can say the same.

So, as 2010 winds to a end, we are left with an unbelievable opportunity. We can look back and reflect on the past 365 days.  We can remember all of the things we’ve accomplished, all the places we’ve been. We can comment on our growth.  And we can look into the future, anxiously awaiting what is to come. Moon, I hope that this time next year I will be able to write to you again, remembering all of the good things that we’ve done in the year to come. Moon, here’s to a great 2010 and an even greater 2011.



‘Tis the Season
December 15, 2010, 2:31 am
Filed under: Projects

Well, the holidays are just around the corner, and there are plenty of projects on the Moon that could certainly use a helping hand. In my inaugural SPOTM Blog post, I’d like to highlight a few of my favourites.

Okay, I may be a bit biased, but the SPOTM QR Code Poster Project could use some  poster design submissions. The project was created by yours truly, and the idea is to spread the word about SPOTM using posters with a QR Code on them. The goal is to have five different designs submitted by the end of the year. After that, voting will take place to determine which design will be distributed worldwide.

Do you like receiving gifts? Are you on the SPOTM List of Active Members? Then sign up  for Freddy’s Secret Santa! If you sign up by this Friday, you will be guaranteed either an inexpensive digital gift or a personally-designed graphic. However, if you sign up, you must also return the favor. You will find out your recipient this weekend and you can find out where their interests lie in the Describe Yourself for Santa thread.

And finally, what would the holiday season be like without a little bit of giving back? That’s right, Project for Awesome is back, and this year SPOTM members are coming together to create a collaborative video. The video should be posted on the 17th, so we have a lot of work ahead of us. Read more about it here, or sign up to help with the project here. The charity that we have chosen is called Child’s Play. They are an awesome charity that distribute toys, games, books, etc. to kids in more than seventy hospitals worldwide. I personally love the idea because the children can actually feel and see what the charity is doing for them. Let’s not let any sick kids go unhappy this holiday season. I know that the PogoTribe can come together and create a really fan-freakin-tastic video for P4A.

– plainwhitepaper